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英文名:Inner Mongolia University of Science&Technolog 简称:“内科大”,“IMUST” 所在地:包头 院校代码:10127 类型:综合类

  • 王建英详细资料

姓 名 王建英 性 别 男 出生日期 1945.06
  最高学位/学历 博士/研究生
  职 称教 授
  l 学习及教育背景
  Ph.D. in microbiology - Dept. of Medical Microbiol. & Immunol., Univ. of California, Davis, 1992.
  M.S. in physics - University of Inner Mongolia, China, 1981.
  B.S. in physics - University of Inner Mongolia, China, 1968.
  l 个人简历
  2009.1-present Research-Teaching Specialist Inner Mongolia University of Science & Technology
  July 2008-Dec. 2008 Research-Teaching Specialist II, PHRI, UMDNJ.
  2004-July 2008 Research-Teaching Specialist II, Dept. Microbiol. & Mol. Genetics, UMDNJ.
  2003-2004 Research Associate Member, Public Health Research Institute (NJ).
  1999-2003 Visiting Assistant Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
  1992-2003 Research Associate, Associate Investigator, Public Health Research Institute (NY).
  1990 Teaching Assistant, University of California, Davis.
  1986-1987 Research Associate, Harvard Medical School.
  1981-1985 Instructor, Associate professor, Inner Mongolia University, China.
  1968-1978 Engineer in the power station, Bayangaole, China.
  l 科研方向
  l 科研项目
  1. 内蒙古科技大学数理与生物工程学院自然科学研究基金项目,细叶韭花香味物质的提取及其香精油的开发,2009.03-2011.03(主持) (正进行);
  2. 包头市科技攻关项目,生物法制备燃料乙醇(2008Y1002-1),2008.1-2009.12 (参加人) (正进行);
  3. 包头市科技攻关项目,肉苁蓉大规模培养、药用成分提取的产业化研究,2006.9-2008.12 (参加人);
  4. 横向合作项目,银杏叶活性成分提取和纯化研究,2006.01-2007.12 (参加人);
  5. 横向合作项目,富含硒的蛋粉压片的研究,2006.04-2006.09(参加人);
  6. 天津市科技攻关项目,红枣提取药用成分cAMP及副产品深加工技术研究,2005.12-2006.12(参加人)。
  l 获奖和荣誉
  1998 CFAR New Initiatives Grant (Targets of Hammerhead Ribozymes)
  2000 NIH Trainee, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  l 代表性论著
  1. Luo, L., Q. Luao, K. Ma, and J.-Y. Wang. “A theory of conformation electron field.” In China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Biophysics, 413, 1985.
  2. Wang, J.-Y. and L. Luo. “Interaction between polarized electrons and chiral molecules.” In China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Biophysics, 435-436, 1985.
  3. Wang, J.-Y. and L. Luo. 1985. The origin of biological chirality and weak interaction. Scientia sinica (series B) 28: 1265-1277.
  4. Wang, J.-Y.,S. McCommas and M. Syvanen. 1991. Molecular cloning of a glutathione S-transferase overproduced in an insecticide-resistant strain of the housefly (Musca domestica). Mol. Gen. Genet. 227: 260-266.
  5. Wang, J.-Y. and M. Syvanen. 1992. DNA twist as a transc riptional sensor for environmental changes. Mol Microbiol 6: 1861-1866.
  6. Levitz, R., J.-Y. Wang, M. Sioud, and K. Drlica. 1993. Expression of functional ribozymes in bacteria. Methods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology 5: 29-35.
  7. Steck, T., R. Franco, J.-Y. Wang, and K. Drlica. 1993. Effect of small change in supercoiling on protein abundance in E. coli. Molecular Microbiology 10: 473-481.
  8. Drlica, K., M. Malik, J.-Y. Wang, A. Sasiak, and R. Sinden. “Analysis of DNA supercoiling.” In Methods in Gene Technology, 253-281. 2. 1994.
  9. Syvanen, M.,Z. H. Zhou and J.-Y. Wang. 1994. Glutathione transferase gene family from the housefly Musca domestica. Mol. Gen. Genet. 245: 25-31.
  10. Drlica, K., M. Malik, J.-Y. Wang, R. Levitz, and R. Burger. “The fluoroquinolones as antituberculosis agents.” InTuberculosis, eds. W. Rom, S. Garay, and B. Bloom. 817-827. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1995.
  11. Drlica, K., C. Xu, J.-Y. Wang, R. M. Burger, and M. Malik. 1996. Fluoroquinolone action in mycobacteria: similarity with effects in Escherichia coli and detected by cell lysate viscosity. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 40: 1594-1599.
  12. Wang, J.-Y.,L. Qiu and K. Drlica. 1996. Hammerhead ribozyme structure probed by cell extracts. Gene 181: 117-120.
  13. Wang, J.-Y., L. Qiu, E.-D. Wu, and K. Drlica. 1996. RNases involved in ribozyme degradation in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 178: 1640-1645.
  14. Wang, J.-Y.,K. Drlica and M. Syvanen. 1997. Monovalent cations differ in their effects on transc ription initiation from a sigma-70 promoter of Escherichia coli. Gene 196: 95-98.
  15. Qiu, L., A. Moreira, G. Kaplan, R. Levitz, J.-Y. Wang, C. Xu, and K. Drlica. 1998. Human ribonucleases involved in degrading small, foreign RNA. Mol. Gen. Genet. 258: 352-362.
  16. Wang, J. -Y., 1998. Mathematical relationships among DNA supercoiling, cation concentration, and temperature for prokaryotic transc ription. Mathematical Biosciences 151: 155-163.
  17. Wang, J.-Y.,R. M. Burger and K. Drlica. 1998. Role of superoxide in catalase-peroxidase-mediated isoniazid action against mycobacteria. Antimicrobial Agents and Cgemotherapy 42: 709-711.
  18. Zhao, X., J.-Y. Wang, C. Xu, Y. Dong, J. Domagala, and K. Drlica. 1998. Bactericidal activity of a C8-methoxy fluoroquinolone against Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 42: 956-958.
  19. Drlica, K., E.-D. Wu, C.-R. Chen, J.-Y. Wang, X. Zhao, C. Xu, L. Qiu, M. Malik, S. Kayman, and M. Friedman. “Prokaryotic DNA topology.” In Prokaryotic Gene Expression, ed. S. Baumberg. 141-168. Oxford University Press, 1999.
  20. Levitz, R., Y. Dong, J.-Y. Wang, S.-W. Jeng, C.-R. Chen, J. W. Wang, X. Zhao, J. Zhou, T. Lu, and K. Drlica. 1999. Cytotoxic hammerhead ribozymes. Antisense & Nucleic Acid Drug Development 9: 117-123.
  21. Lu, T., X. Zhao, X. Li, A. Drlica-Wagner, J. -Y. Wang, J. Domagala, and K. Drlica. 2001. Enhancement of fluoroquinolone activity by C-8 halogen and methoxy moieties: action against a gyrase resistance mutant of Mycobacterium smegmatis and a gyrase-topoisomerase IV double mutant of Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 45:2703-9.
  22. Wang, J.-Y., and K. Drlica. 2003. Modeling hybridization kinetics. Mathematical Biosciences 183:37-47.
  23. Wang, J.-Y., and K. Drlica. 2004. Computational identification of antisense oligonucleotides that rapidly hybridize to RNA.Oligonucleotides 14:167-175.
  24. Zhao, X., M. Malik, N. Chan, A. Drlica-Wagner, J. Y. Wang, X. Li, and K. Drlica. 2006. Lethal action of quinolones against a temperature-sensitive dnaB replication mutant of Escherichia coli. Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy 50:362-4.
  25 Wang, J. W., and K. Drlica. 2008. Selection of Target Sites in RNA for Antisense Agents. In A. G. Hernandes (ed.), Antisense Elements (Genetics), Nova Science Publisher, Inc.
  26. Wang, J. W., and K. Drlica. Identification of nucleation sites for nucleic acid hybridization, In preparation.
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